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When to Seek Medical Intervention for Varicose Veins

A person’s leg with varicose veins being examined by a doctor in El Paso.

Varicose veins are a common condition affecting millions of people worldwide, particularly those over the age of 50. While varicose veins are often harmless and only a cosmetic concern, on occasion, they can lead to more serious complications.

El Paso Varicose Veins Laser Clinic is El Paso’s leading vein clinic, offering a variety of services in vein treatment so you can feel like yourself again. Contact us online or call (915) 577-0121 to learn more.

What are Varicose Veins and Their Symptoms?

Varicose veins can manifest as bulging, rope-like (or spider-like) veins that may appear blue or purple in color. They are often accompanied by various symptoms such as aching or throbbing, swelling, itching or skin irritation, muscle cramps, skin discoloration, or ulcers in severe cases. 

When to Seek Medical Treatment

Medical attention should be sought if any pain or discomfort in the legs is persistent or worsen over time — this can include pain, heaviness,  swelling or skin changes; if the skin around the varicose veins becomes red, warm to the touch, or develop ulcers; or bleeding occurs.

Varicose Veins Treatment Options

At El Paso Varicose Veins Laser Clinic, we offer vein treatment options in El Paso to get you back to living your life comfortably. This includes:


This minimally invasive vein treatment involves injecting a solution directly into the varicose veins that then allows the vein walls to stick together and close. Over time, the treated veins are reabsorbed by the body, leading to improved blood flow and the fading of the affected visible veins.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy

Ambulatory Phlebectomy is a surgical procedure with a minimal recovery time that involves making small incisions near the affected veins and removing them through these intricate cuts. It is typically used for larger varicose veins that cannot be effectively treated with sclerotherapy.

Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA)

EVLA is a modern and effective (97% effective) vein treatment using laser energy to seal off the affected veins. A laser fiber is inserted into the varicose vein via a small incision, and the laser heats the vein causing it to collapse and seal shut. Blood flow is redirected to healthier veins, and the affected veins eventually get reabsorbed by the body.

Vein Treatment in El Paso

If you are suffering from the effects of varicose veins, cosmetic or otherwise, El Paso Varicose Veins Laser Clinic is here to help. Call (915) 577-0121 to schedule an appointment today!